Community Wilfire Protection Plans: Enhancing Collaboration & Building Community Capacity

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Research Advisory Team

The purpose of the JFS Advisory Team is to:

  • Help the JFS research team identify the relevant issues that are of greatest concern to local communities and managers who are developing and implementing Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP’s) and monitoring results.
  • Provide input in creating guidance material that will be used within the broader fire management community to address CWPP development and track their accomplishments.
  • Assist in building general awareness for this Joint Fire Science project through the members' organizations and their related networks.
  • Recommend how best to increase the transfer of knowledge about the key results of the project through mechanisms like professional development, education and training workshops, and outreach.

It is envisioned that the Advisory Team will meet two to three times over the 3-year span of the research project 2005-2007.

Joint Fire Science CWPP Advisory and Research Team

John Bear, Consultant
Bear Wildfire Mitigation & Consulting Services
411 Prospectors Point
Grand Junction, CO 81503
O: (970) 778-4680
C: (970) 683-9012

Alex Dunn, Program Manager
Western Forestry Leadership Coalition
2850 Youngfield St., 4th floor
Lakewood, CO 80215
W: 303-445-4366
F: 303-239-3811

Angie Johnson, Northeast Oregon NFP Planning Coordinator
Oregon Department of Forestry Northeast Oregon District
611 20th Street
La Grande, OR 97850
(541) 963-3168

Darren Johnson, Applied Fire Ecologist-Eastern U.S.
The Nature Conservancy
14 Maine St., Suite 401
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 522-1014 (cell)

Lynn Jungwirth, Director
Watershed Research and Training Center
8080 Highway 3 Unit A
Hayford, CA 96041
(530) 628-4206

Kathy Lynn, Associate Director
Resource Innovations
130 Hendricks Hall
5247 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-5247
(541) 346-0687

Tom Martinson, Land Commissioner for Lake County
Lake County Court House
601 3rd Avenue
Two Harbors, Minnesota 55616

Tim Melchert, Cooperative Fire Specialist
US Forest Service
Fire and Aviation Management, NIFC
3833 S. Development Ave
Boise, ID 83705
desk: 208-387-5887
cell: 208-559-0500

Lou Murray, Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Specialist
Department of Forestry Division of Resource Protection
900 Natural Resources Dr Charlottesville, VA 22903
O: 540-269-2342
C: 540-820-3523

Lisa Radosevich Pattni, Partnership Coordinator
USDA Forest Service
Superior National Forest
8901 Grand Ave Place
Duluth, MN 55808-1122
(218) 626-4336

Judy Serby, Conservation Education Division Supervisor
Colorado State Forest Service
5075 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-5075
(970) 491- 7559

Tony Simons, Wildfire Safety Specialist
Larimer County Wildfire Safety
1303 North Shields
Fort Collins, CO 80524
(970) 498-5303

Ann Walker, NFP Coordinator
Oregon Department of Forestry
2600 State Street
Salem, Oregon 97310
503-945-7346 office
541-951-1578 cell

Richard Whitley, Executive Liaison for Citizen Stewardship &
Adaptive Management

c/o Bureau of Land Management
3040 Biddle Rd.
Medford, OR 97504
(541) 618-2305

Scott Woods, Assistant Project Forester
Colorado State Forest Service
9769 W. 119th Dr., Suite 6
Broomfield, CO 80021
(303) 404-9057

Chris Worth, Deputy Forest Supervisor
USDA Forest Service
Custer National Forest
1310 Main Street
Billings, MT 59105
(406) 657-6205