Community Wilfire Protection Plans: Enhancing Collaboration & Building Community Capacity

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CWPP Quick Guides

This Quick Guide series offers a set of lessons learned from case studies of collaborative processes used to develop of Community Wildfire Protection Plans. These lessons are presented in a set of 19 individual topics linked together in an overall framework that is designed to allow practitioners to pick and choose the topics of greatest relevance to their situation. (Guides are in PDF format).

Quick Guide Overview

Community Context/Antecedents/Readiness Links
QG 1 Current community situation
QG 2 Existing leadership
QG 3 Existing networks
QG 4 Scale of wildfire problems/goals

CWPP Development Process
QG 5 The Role of the WUI in CWPP Planning and Implementation
QG 6 Assessing Community Resources for Collaboration
QG 7 Crafting Effective Messages to Inspire Community Participation
QG 8 Participant Roles and Functions
QG 9 Key Components of CWPPs/Templates
QG 10 Factors that Influence Collaboration in CWPPs
QG 11 Potential Resources and Authorities Brought by Government Participants to the Collaborative Process

Outcomes /CWPP and Collaboration Outcomes
QG 12 The Diverse Benefits of CWPP’s
QG 13 Knowledge/Learning Community
QG 14 New/Increased Capacities
QG 15 Implementation and Sustainability

QG 16 Community-based Approaches to Knowledge Transfer
QG 17 CWPP Resource Directory
QG 18 Monitoring the Collaborative Process
QG 19 Conducting Risk Assessments